The Story So Far - May 6th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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May 6th, 2008

log: Richard & Joan [May. 6th, 2008|12:09 pm]


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who: Richard and Joan. Their names sound like a 50's TV sitcom couple.
what: Richard is trying to train Joan, but she's lazy and distracted. Richard tells her a secret and ... Joan takes it surprisingly (or not so surprisingly) well.
when: Yesterday.
where: Training area outside.

Have you ever killed someone? )
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log: McCoy boys. [May. 6th, 2008|01:07 pm]
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who: Pete and Phil.
what: Phil gets ready to go to sleep and realizes something is missing! Pete! Oh, then he loses his keys and they have to break into their own room.
when: backdated to over the weekend, whenever the first night of the MacTaggert dorms being functional again. SUNDAY?
where: The labs, then MacTaggert Building, Room 108. Right outside the windows, too.

Hello Phil, it's your narcoleptic clone. )
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