The Story So Far - April 12th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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April 12th, 2008

log? narrative? [Apr. 12th, 2008|12:30 am]


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WHO: Pete & Open
WHEN: the night of Phil's birthday, midnight-ish
WHERE: Outside

With a hasty "Get lost", Pete found himself shoeless in a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt in the hall outside his room. He stood there for a few moments, feeling a little at loss until natural habits kicked in and he ambled down the hall. He was tired, so he tried napping on one of the couches in the MacTaggart Hall lounge, but the lights were on and so he mostly just straightened up, made a small lost & found pile and headed on outside.

It was nice night at least. Maybe he'd just stroll on back to the labs, sleep on that horrible couch. Or stay up, find some coffee and fix up the computer labs. He wondered for exactly three minutes if moving back in with Phil was a mistake before thoughts naturally turned to transistors and practical applications.

At least Phil liked the card.
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log: Phil and Rosie. [Apr. 12th, 2008|11:23 pm]
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What: Rosie gives Phil a birthday present. HINT: IT'S SEX. PG-13 with a ~fade to black~
When: This conversation happens on Phil's birthday. Before the dodgeball. Later later in the night, this happens, and then this log happens.

He might have May Parker kicking his ass if anyone finds out about this. )
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