June 15th, 2007

[info]hesadevil in [info]gen_icons

It being summer, my breakfast fruit of choice is strawberries, which are fabulous this year. My food of choice in the summer is fruit.

This batch of fruity icons was made using royalty-free images from Getty Images. All icons are shareable, textless ones can be used as bases.

summer fruity goodness )

Bonus Early-bird cocktail

[info]truly_tazi in [info]gen_icons


1. Image hosted by Photobucket.com 2. Image hosted by Photobucket.com
3 more )

If you take please comment and credit.
No hotlinking.
Bases can be edited.

Enjoy. TT

[info]nosselinfea in [info]gen_icons

cowboy icons

My first post here...

-- please credit [info]nosselinfea
-- please don't hotlink
-- feel free to add your own text to textless ones


12 icons )