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TEXT: Sebastian --> Leni Feb. 3rd, 2010 @ 10:23 pm
TO: Leni
FROM: Sebastian

Had a bad dream last night
and thought of checking in
on you - are you behaving

TEXT: Sebastian --> Excelsior Jan. 29th, 2010 @ 01:34 pm
FROM: Sebastian

Anybody catch Super Buzz??
Peter is apparently still the hunkiest
hunk to ever hunk -- and I am the
mysterious indigo wonderboy

Good to know I can still walk down
the street without being recognized
and accosted by girls looking for a
piece of this

TEXT: Lilah ---> Sebastian Jan. 24th, 2010 @ 10:51 pm
To: Sebastian
From: Lilah

I'm bored. Let's go bowling.

TEXT: Ariel ---> Sebastian Jan. 23rd, 2010 @ 10:24 am
TO: Sebastian
FROM: Ariel

Magnus called in the
middle of it.

TEXT: Sebastian --> Ariel Jan. 22nd, 2010 @ 06:29 pm
TO: Ariel
FROM: Sebastian

Are you just another person
this week & thats why i cant
find you?
Other entries
» TEXT: Geri → Sebastian
You see that shit?

I almost don't want to take him down.

Opinions, Grumpy bear?
Hello Savage World fans!

I hope you all liked the last episode, I can't believe that snake almost got a bite out of me. It's been awhile, let me tell you, but that's something you have to learn: nature will always find a way to surprise you. We've got a little break here, but there's some exciting places coming up, or so I'm told. It's better if I don't know.

Leave me some thoughts for upcoming ideas, and how you liked the Congo.

Be safe,
Peter Rasputin
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