Next Gen: Communications - June 8th, 2010

About June 8th, 2010

TEXT: Peter ---> Penny 01:00 pm
TO: Penny McCoy
FROM: Peter Rasputin

What happened with Sebastian?
He won't talk to anyone.

NEW YORK BUZZ! ( --> SUPER BUZZ! ONLINE with Felicity Hardy 01:23 pm

Are you looking for an exciting new career? Seeking stardom?

Super Buzz! will be starting its own HALF-HOUR BLOCK after NYB starting this summer, and we're looking for a dedicated team of professionals and willing-to-learn fans to fill out our staff! We are currently seeking ON-AIR CORRESPONDENTS to help Felicity Hardy with the fast-paced world of superhero journalism! You'll be interviewing the hottest capes, covering the latest news and gossip, and be part of an exciting team!

SB! will be holding OPEN AUDITIONS for two to four correspondents on Thursday, June 10, from 9AM-2PM. Hopefuls should bring a headshot and resume, and be prepared to work from a script as well as with improvisation. If unable to attend the audition date, you can also post your audition video online using the tools below! Please include your name, age, a brief summary of your experience, and what excites you about being part of the new half hour Super Buzz!

TEXT: Felicity → Magnus 04:41 pm
TO: Magnus
FROM: Felicity

It's been real but I am going
back home, ok? I feel fine.
I'm a big girl, I can be by
myself, I don't know why May
keeps insisting I need to be

So I'm moving out, thanks
for all your hospitality. As
your fake girlfriend you can
say we fake broke up.

TEXT: Arthur → Phil 04:46 pm
TO: Phil
FROM: Arthur
[Photo attached of a chess board and Arthur's hand giving thumbs up]

Bishop to e6 and checkmate
effective immediately

Your husband is conquerer

TEXT: Arthur → Olivier 06:12 pm
TO: Olivier
FROM: Arthur

I hear tell you've been getting
yourself into trouble recently,
young man.
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