Next Gen: Communications - May 7th, 2010

About May 7th, 2010

TEXT: JC → Ariel 05:40 pm
TO: Ariel

You're going to have to tell
him sometime.

TEXT: Charlie → Roman 05:42 pm
TO: Roman
FROM: Charlie

Can I ask you a personal question

Man to man
Bro to bro

You dated May, right? And that's all
kinds of fucked up to me and I never
brought it up before but you did,

TEXT: Royce → Olivier 05:44 pm
TO: Olivier
FROM: Royce

Tell your partner I'm sorry.
Shit got out of hand. Shouldn't
have gone like that.


TEXT: Ben → Danny 05:47 pm
TO: Danny

Hey, do me a favor:

Take Mel out. Somewhere nice.
It's on me. Spend whatever you
want. I can't exactly repay him
for everything he's done for me
but now that I'm doing better
and don't need him 24/7 (here's
hoping) he needs a break and I
don't know what else to do for
him. I just know you two are a
thing (sorry about being a bitch,

TEXT: Lois → Richard 05:51 pm
TO: Richard

It's me.

New #. Had to ship out. Don't look
for me at old apt. Staying w H.O.

BTW? Where the fuck are you?

TEXT: Sebastian → Excelsior 05:58 pm
TO: Excelsior
FROM: Sebastian

Bluestreak is going out to patrol
tonight. There have to be little
old ladies who don't want their
purses stolen or a bank that
doesn't want to be robbed. The
evening's too nice for evildoing

It's been a while. Wish me luck,
pray I don't come back in teeny

TEXT: Josie → Pella 06:11 pm
TO: Pella
FROM: Josie

i just get back and where r u?
u will not believe what happened
to me :(

TEXT: Kim → Sorcha 06:21 pm
TO: Sorcha

I need to put on some high heels
and go out. This boys' club stuff
is whack. Rogers and Royce are
feuding again.

Join me? It's either you or my new
partner, who... yeah, he'd probably
wear higher heels than me.

TEXT: Josie → Lola 06:25 pm
TO: Lola
FROM: Josie

Baby baby baby lets go to a club
its been a rough week and i, i, i
i just wanna ~*DANCE*~

ill tell my lady ill be home late
she doesnt do this kind of thing

TEXT: Mariah → Oriane 06:34 pm
TO: Oriane

Oriane - it's Mariah. I got a new cell
after months of not having one.

Long time no talk, but I was
wondering how often you see my
big brother?

BTW - How serious are you about
that whole Excelsior thing?
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