gemstonechimera's Journal
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Sunday, August 30th, 2009

    Time Event
    Child of Mine
    Title: Child of Mine
    Characters/Pairing: Augustus/Bellatrix, Bellatrix/Rodolphus (mentioned)
    Summary: Augustus reminisces about his liason with Bella
    Word Count:382

    Child of Mine )
    Characters/Pairing: Lucius and Draco
    Summary:Discussing the quidditch trials at Hogwarts
    Word Count:140

    Bribes )
    Title: Fitting
    Rating: PG
    Possible Spoilers/Warnings: loose use of canon
    Author's Notes: Written for the Draco/Ginny Fic Exchange on Livejournal
    Summary: An infirmary stay for Draco ends up in an unusual detention for Ginny which leads to an unprecedented series of events.
    Characters: Draco/Ginny
    Word Count: 8680

    Fitting )
    Not Quite Broken - Part 1
    Title: Not Quite Broken
    Summary: Ginny has become extremely mentally unstable, showing up at the Malfoy residence with no explanation. Draco tries to figure out whether he wants to know what is going on more than he wants her out of his house. However, very few things happen as planned and he finds out the Weasleys sometimes have dark secrets of their own.
    Characters/Pairings: Draco/Ginny
    Genre: gen?
    Rating/Warnings: R / cutting/self-harm
    Word Count: 5456

    Not Quite Broken - Part 1 )
    Not Quite Broken - Part 2
    Title: Not Quite Broken - Part 2
    Summary: Ginny has become extremely mentally unstable, showing up at the Malfoy residence with no explanation. Draco tries to figure out whether he wants to know what is going on more than he wants her out of his house. However, very few things happen as planned and he finds out the Weasleys sometimes have dark secrets of their own.
    Characters/Pairings: Draco/Ginny
    Genre: gen?
    Rating/Warnings: R / cutting/self-harm
    Word Count: 5456

    Not Quite Broken - part 2 )
    Title: Closure
    Summary: Ginny tries to figure out what to do with old photographs
    Characters/Pairings: Ginny/Harry (past)
    Genre: gen? angst
    Rating/Warnings: G
    Word Count: 201

    Closure )

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