A journey through German poetry's Journal
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Saturday, April 5th, 2008

    Time Event
    Georg-Philipp Harsdörffer

    Today’s entry is somewhat fantasy-ridden so you might prefer to ignore it.

    Harsdörffer (isn’t that a mouthful) founded the oldest poetical society still in existence in Germany, the Order of the Pegnitz flowers, in 1645. “Order” like in “Order of the Phoenix”, Pegnitz, after the river that flows through Nürnberg, his home town, and flowers because flowers, shepherds, green nature and anything bucolic by essence were all very fashionable at the time. This isn’t a German thing, more of a general trend in literature at the time – the last chapter of L'Astrée (loooooong novel detailing the love of a nice shepherd for a nice shepherdess on the green, green grass, with nice white, white sheep frolicking in the background) were published in 1627, for instance.

    ETA: [info]apisa_b found this link (thank you!!!)

    Fortsetzung der Pegnitz-Schäferei )

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