June 21st, 2010

[info]gba_seamus in [info]gba_rpg

OWL: Can we talk?

Date: June 21, 1999
Characters: Seamus Finnigan, Matt Stebbins
Location: Respective
Status: Private
Summary: Seamus has ideas that need discussing. He hopes Matt can help.
Completion: Complete

Things had been weighing on his mind lately.... )

[info]gba_pansy in [info]gba_rpg

RP: Peace and calm

Date: June 21, 1999
Characters:  Pansy Parkinson, ???
Location: A park bench in a small park off Diagon
Status: Public
Summary: Following Madam Endora's instructions is a mixed bag of results
Completion: InComplete

[info]gba_matthew in [info]gba_rpg

Date: June 21 1999
Characters: Matthew Stebbins, Neville Longbottom
Location: St.Mungo's/The Basilica then their Cottage.
Status: Private
Summary: Matt and Nev's first date. Or is it?
Completion: Complete

He just couldn't believe it )