May 23rd, 2010

[info]gba_dean in [info]gba_rpg

Date: May 23, 1999
Characters: Dean Thomas, Mrs. Lisa Thomas (NPC), assorted family member cameos
Location: Thomas Residence
Status: Private
Summary: Dean visits home for Sunday dinner
Completion: Complete

[info]gba_kevin in [info]gba_rpg

RP: Secrets and Lies

Date: 23 May 1999
Characters: Kevin Entwhistle, Sorsha Capper
Location: Capper Farm
Status: Private
Summary: Kevin comes clean about his guilty secret. (Well, sorta...)
Completion: Complete

Kevin had gotten to the farm before Sorsha and had immediately been put to work. )

[info]gba_michael in [info]gba_rpg

Michael had not gone home in well over a year.

Date: May 23 1999
Characters: Michael Corner (Michael's family, NPC)
Location: Corner Hall
Status: Semi-open (If your character is a Pureblood with DE relations, Archibald actually his a sympathizer, feel free to have them in there enjoying the buffet)
Summary: Michael's great grandmother's memorial.
Completion: InComplete

The last time he remembered going at Corner Hall actually was right after his fourth year )