April 28th, 2010

[info]gba_adrian in [info]gba_rpg

Elf Delivery: For Miss Montgomery

Date: April 28, 1999
Characters: Adrian Pucey, Beatrice Montgomery
Location: Beatrice's flat
Status: Private
Summary: It's not an owl, but it's something
Completion: Complete

[info]gba_theresa in [info]gba_rpg

Date: April 27 1999
Characters: Justin Finch-Fletchley and Theresa Montgomery
Location: Respective
Status: Private
Summary: Theresa sends an invitation and a gift
Completion: Complete

[info]gba_terry in [info]gba_rpg

RP: The Full Moon

Date: Night, April 28 1999 (Early morning April 29)
Characters: Terry Boot
Location: An forest in the Scottish Highlands
Status: Private
Summary: Terry had read about this place in a book. He just wished he was in a better mood to appreciate it.
Completion: Complete

Full Moon Rising )

[info]gba_matthew in [info]gba_rpg

RP: Oooh shopping!

Date: April 28 1999
Characters: Matthew Stebbins, Katie Bell
Location: Quality Quidditch Supplies
Status: Privati-ish.
Summary: Matt needs new equipment.
Completion: InComplete

He couldn't wait to fly it! )