March 14th, 2010

[info]gba_neville in [info]gba_rpg

OWL: Neville to Various

Date: 13 March 1999
Characters: Neville Longbottom, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Seamus Finnigan, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley
Location: Various
Status: Private
Summary: Neville catches up on a few letters.
Completion: Complete

Owl to Harry )

Owl to Ron )

Owl to Seamus )

Owl to Hermione )

Owl to Ginny )

[info]gba_hjgranger in [info]gba_rpg

RP: Operation Amulet

Date: 14 March 1999
Characters: Hermione Granger, Ernie Macmillan
Location: Apothecary, Diagon Alley
Status: Semi-Private
Summary: A covert operation suddenly becomes...not so.
Completion: Complete

She'd planned every last detail. )

[info]gba_ginny in [info]gba_rpg

RP: Between friends

Date: March 14
Characters: Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom
Location: The Burrow to start
Status: Privateish
Summary: Neville comes by for a visit after Ginny stomps her foot and demands (not that she really had to twist his arm).
Completion: Complete

It's been too long! )

[info]gba_adrian in [info]gba_rpg

RP: Of brooms

Date: March 14, 1999
Characters: Adrian Pucey, Sorsha Capper
Location: Quality Quidditch 
Status: Private
Summary: Two shoppers with similiar impulses.
Completion: InComplete