February 15th, 2010

[info]gba_seamus in [info]gba_rpg

OWL: Gryffindor blokes ahoy!

Date: February 15, 1999
Characters: Seamus Finnigan, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley
Location: Respective
Status: Private
Summary: Seamus sends a few owls about a few drinks.
Completion: Complete

Was it alright to have a lads night on a Monday? )

[info]gba_harry in [info]gba_rpg

RP: Boys' Night Out

Date: 15 February 1999
Characters: Harry Potter, Seamus Finnigan, Ron Weasley
Location: The Three Broomsticks
Status: Semi-private
Summary: Seamus extended an invite. Ron and Harry take him up on it.
Completion: Complete

They could use a break )