February 12th, 2010

[info]gba_percy in [info]gba_rpg

RP: Hold the lift!

Date: Thursday 11th February, 1999
Characters: Percy Weasley, Harry Potter
Location: The Ministry of Magic
Status: Private
Summary: Percy bumps into Harry - literally!
Completion: Complete

I really should watch where I'm going. )

[info]gba_pansy in [info]gba_rpg

RP: Bandages are complicated things requiring professional assistance

Date: February 12, 1999
Characters: Pansy Parkinson, Roger Davies
Location: Flourish and Blotts
Status: Public
Summary: Pansy spots Roger.  Conversation ensues.
Completion: InComplete

[info]gba_daphne in [info]gba_rpg

OWL: Beatrice Montgomery/RP: Politics of self-sacrifice.

Date: 12 February 1999
Characters: Beatrice Montgomery and Daphne Greengrass
Location: Respective
Status: Private
Summary: Daphne manages to catch someone who may be of use to Bea.
Completion: Complete

My dearest Bea... )

[info]gba_justin in [info]gba_rpg

Date: 12 February 1999
Characters: Justin Finch-Fletchley, Ernie Macmillan
Location: Diagon Alley
Status: Private
Summary: Justin's looking for a new job, Ernie's making sure he doesn't run away.
Completion: Complete

Take a deep breath... )

[info]gba_theresa in [info]gba_rpg

RP: Night fell early this time of year

Date: 11 February
Characters: Theresa Montgomery and Open
Location: Public portkey, just outside London
Status: Public
Summary: Theresa heads home after a trip to the cemetary.
Completion: Incomplete