Gaslight OOC


November 12th, 2008

saltshot @ 06:42 pm: Hello! My name is Shawna and I know... few of you. Therefore this introduction is a good idea! My journal is [info]shawful, and do feel free to add it. Between that and making fun of Twilight on LJ, it's one of my top sources of online entertainment. You can also reach me at young hunkules on AIM. I will be playing two characters here.

First, as you can see, I have Sam Winchester. He's one of those rifle Winchesters, so his family has a bit of moolah floating around. He's also a hunter, along with his brother, Dean. He's the more book smart of the two and the more responsible/nice/thoughtful/organized/awesome/etc, as well.

Secondly is Catwoman, Selina Kyle. Though she goes by Irena Dubrovna these days, an assumed identity. She's a classy dame thief, who'll be more relying on wit and cunning than catsuits and claws these days. If you need help acquiring something, she might be willing to help if something's in it for her. Etc.

And so forth! I'm sorry that I'm so late with this.

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