Grand Apartments Story Line Request Community - May 22nd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Grand Apartments Story Line Request Community

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May 22nd, 2008

[May. 22nd, 2008|11:24 am]
What up! This is lovely odd little creation. She could use some SL's! She's engaged so the romance department is pretty much closed. Anything else would be awesome though!

I was thinking of having her work at a radio station as a tech so before I go any further with that, does anyone else around here work at a radio station? I'd love co-workers :)

And that's all I got. But I love plotting and I'm always around so leave me a comment or message me at guinnay :)
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[May. 22nd, 2008|06:13 pm]
Hello, peoples! This is my new kid A.J., and he needs storylines. If anyone wants a friend line with him, or maybe to be a co-worker (he waits tables at a restaurant) then that would e great. Come find us at Blacksheep AJ, and we'll see what we can work out.
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