Grand Apartments Story Line Request Community - April 30th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Grand Apartments Story Line Request Community

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April 30th, 2008

[Apr. 30th, 2008|06:49 pm]


Strange idea but I would love to have a november june romance for my character. I would like to find a young guy who persistently pursues her, someone that she has a hard time saying no to. Someone who makes her feel beautiful, smart, and sexy but all the same is wrong for her because he is 23 or younger. Someone who forces her to have fun at times and loosen up. Maybe he is a law student who is interning for the public defense offices. Details on his background are of course up to you. Hell, he could just be some kid who lives in the same building as her for all I care. I also don't really care about the PB. Adam Brody, Penn Badgley, Zac Efron, whoever is in that age range works for me. If interested please do contact me, my aim is Mmmmm Josie. This is for a community!

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