Grand Apartments Story Line Request Community - January 14th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Grand Apartments Story Line Request Community

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January 14th, 2008

[Jan. 14th, 2008|12:07 am]
I haven't had the chance to really throw Frieda out there too much so far, but she is open for any kind of SL you might have in mind. Friends, enemies, love interests, co-workers, former students, parents of current students, parents of her kids' friends - I'm open for anything!

And I'm also working on an app for a Robert Sean Leonard PB. He's still pretty up in the air, so if anyone wants him for anything, I'm open to ideas! I will be much more available now that I have finished moving everything to IJ, so feel free to shoot me an IM or comment here and we can work something out :)
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[Jan. 14th, 2008|08:12 am]
Hello, all! Jamie-shaped here, and I'd love to have any SL's that you guys can throw at me. =] Hit me up on his aim at any time:jamie ink stain.

[Jan. 14th, 2008|12:08 pm]
Aloha! This is Guinevere and I'm throwing her up for storylines.

She could use partners in crime and couple of people she can't stand, stalkers oh and I would KILL for an older brother (she's only 22). She's originally from Port Angeles and went to school in Spokane. Let me know here if you're interested in anything or message me at Guinnay. I'm game for almost anything. Her history/bio is in her first entry if you're curious.
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