Grand Apartments Story Line Request Community - January 7th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Grand Apartments Story Line Request Community

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January 7th, 2008

alicce in community gasl [27 Dec 2007|01:17pm] [Jan. 7th, 2008|01:01 am]
Hey there! I'm Ruby with a new character ALICE SUMMERS though she goes by Ali. She had a bunch of new storylines to be filled and I'm also very much open to making new ones.

Ali grew up in Seattle, was basically the 'cheerleader' until graduation. She went to an out of state college to California and has returned to Seattle because her father's ill. Your character may know Ali's dad, Luke, as he owns the auto shop and a popular hang out cafe that his wife left behind: Euchulia's Cafe, which is now under the management of Ali. Storylines located HERE! I can be reached at DARETOCHASE via aim.

riley_rivers in community gasl [27 Dec 2007|03:44pm] [Jan. 7th, 2008|01:05 am]
Riley Rivers - Storylines )

blond_beauty in community gasl [28 Dec 2007|03:58pm] [Jan. 7th, 2008|01:05 am]
The Fiance;
After Gretch moved, she ran into him, and he had changed. He had been through law school. And he just looked so mature and so hot. And well, he said the same about her. One thing led to another and he asked me out. And we kept going out, and a year later, here they are.
PB: Stephen Colletti? Jame Dornan? Open to suggestions. But he is hot.

People she works with at the television station. Whether it be reporters, other interns, her boss.

Open to any kind of friends too?

jake_cooley in community gasl [30 Dec 2007|06:48pm] [Jan. 7th, 2008|01:06 am]
Jake is here and up for lines. So throw them at me. I'm looking for friends, maybe an ex, some people to flirt with, someone to tease and lead on...etc. Whatever really. Just don't sign up to murder him.

_jking in community gasl [01 Jan 2008|10:39am] [Jan. 7th, 2008|01:08 am]
Looking for Storylines! Yes, already!
Natalie: Ex-wife. Pretty much can be whatever she wants, but she is 35 and has custody of their 15 year old son. She took their son away when he was born, back when they were 21 years old, and divorced and hasn't let James see him since.

Son: 15 years old. Has no clue who his father is. Maybe he finds a clue and searches James out and finally finds him.

nofaithe in community gasl [04 Jan 2008|09:53pm] [Jan. 7th, 2008|01:55 am]
Friends, ex's, and enemies. Went to junior high and high school in Seattle. Works at the pharmacy and DJs over at Angels.

Faithe's not overly social and will very blatantly speak her mind. Usually on a last name basis with others and gets along better with guys.

Oh! And also, her dad's lieutenant sergeant at SPD but she acts like he doesn't exist. She hates how he seems to appear every time she has a boyfriend and he ends up threatening chasing them away when he's never even really been part of her life during her younger years.

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