Wednesday, May 21st, 2014

[locked to Natives/visible to Panther]

[locked to Natives/visible to Panther]
One of the Treehouse kids, Panther - who, if you remember, was someone Yiska considered important - would like to come visit me and perhaps stay a night or two. I would appreciate his company, and that of his friend Raccoon if he chooses to bring the other boy. I trust that this will not pose a problem?

[locked to Panther]
Let me know when you are able to visit, and we will accommodate you.
(29 comments | Leave a comment)


I finally finished Anatol's totem yesterday! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to do it. But will you bless it for me, so I can give it to him? I've invited him to go with me to help with the horses, because I haven't had a chance to get to know him yet and I'd like to! Anyway, I've chosen the medicine bag to go with it, so if you want to add anything, feel free!
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Monday, May 19th, 2014

[locked to Natives]

[locked to Natives]
If anyone would like to feel Niska moving please let me know. He has become far more active of late.

(ooc: shortly after Raccoon's comment, Nimeda managed to repair the lock. However, people still could have seen it previously if anyone else who hasn't already would like to comment)
(33 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, April 30th, 2014

[locked to Natives]
I know it has been a while since I last spoke up, and I offer you my humblest apologies for that. I have no excuse, only that this pregnancy has been taking a lot out of me, and while I know tribal matters should come first I feel no shame in admitting I am putting my health and that of my childs' as a priority. That being said, you deserve a leader who isn't so unfocused.

I ask that you all choose someone else to act either in my stead or going further. If it is in my stead, then I suspect once this child is born and my ability to sleep unhindered is restored I will be able to act more effectively, however I would never request that you make a special dispensation for me.

I am so incredibly sorry to have failed you all.

[locked to Dante]
I have been thinking of you quite a bit lately.
(28 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, April 18th, 2014

[locked to Natives]
I want to thank all of you for your patience, and I wanted to let you know that I have been in talks with the Mayor and his daughter regarding reopening trade negotiations between us and town. The Mayor has acknowledged that their suspicions of us in the death of the clockmaker was unfounded, and it is our joint belief that in time we can work towards assisting one another in become independent of the true problems plaguing our lands.

I am also thinking of seeing if we can set up some sort of negotiation with the Fae we know regarding trade as well and am seeking your opinions.

[locked to Dante]
I had the most interesting and vivid dream about you last night...
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Saturday, April 5th, 2014

Funny what one comes across in notes from an apprenticeship long past...

Give me food and I will live. Give me water and I will die.

What am I?
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Thursday, March 27th, 2014

Okomi (visible to Georgie)

Okomi, I think you might remember me, my name is Nicolas and I am mayor of Fortunas.

Spring is a profitable trading time for both our people, and as I'm sure you're aware, both our people have suffered setbacks. We could use the free trade all the way around, and in that vein, I am going to propose to the town that we do away with the rule that the Tse'ka are shot on sight.

I will guarantee one of your people safe passage, so long as they are unarmed. They will be under my protection for as long as they're in town. It isn't exactly complete and free trade, but I believe that it will open the door to peace.

If this is something that you are interested in, I will approach your princess through the papers and negotiate with her.


Ready for a trip?
(9 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, March 23rd, 2014

[locked to Natives]

[locked to Natives]
The Prince has invited Mao and I to come view his jewelry making workshop. It is a rare opportunity that may help us gain an ally on the off chance there are any further attempts on our people. Also, I am in need of a few days break. I have been experiencing troublesome dreams and cravings and unable to sleep, and feel as though a change of scenery may help.

[locked to Okomi]
What does it mean when one is craving blood and dirt? And dreaming of... personal things all the time?

added later...
[locked to Dante & Mao]
Thank you for your invitation, I cannot speak for Mao but I would be pleased to see your workshop. I will warn you, my sister Kai has already given me questions she would appreciate you answering for her.
(38 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, March 18th, 2014

[Locked to Natives]
As we work on packing and moving, I ask you all to look to Kai, Miah, and Tahir for any instructions or tasks they may have for us.

[Locked to Dante]
This is an incredibly blunt question, yet I seek your wisdom -- what do you do when the pain of your loss overwhelms you to the point where you fear only death will free you from it?

[Locked to Mal-wolf]
Humor me, if you could, and answer one question for me, please.

[Fixed lock to female friends (after Okomi brought it to her attention)]
This is rather embarrassing of me to ask, but I need some assistance. I am in need of extra fabric, if possible... Many of my dresses seem to no longer be capable of covering me adequately... mainly my chest. In the past week I have grown in that area more than I can compensate for with my sewing skills.
(60 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, March 15th, 2014

[locked to Natives]

[locked to Natives]
In light of everything that has happened regarding the pirates and others stumbling upon our lands, as well as the dreams Okomi has been having, it is clear to me that the Spirits have decreed we find a new land to call our own.

There is a place that I have been told of, where the soil is lush and water is plentiful, that can be an ideal home for our tribe. I will be going there, and if you care to join me in keeping our tribe safe and together then you will begin packing to join me as well. And if you have misgivings about following me to this new area, then I ask that you let me know so that I may set your fears at ease.

Mao, Anatol, if it is not too much trouble, I would ask both of you to please assist me in getting everything prepared. Niska is making his presence a bit more known, and has made it difficult for me to be active for as long as I like without resting.
(20 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, March 10th, 2014

[locked to Natives/visible to Dante]

[locked to Natives/visible to Dante]
Mao and I were attacked by pirates near the border to our lands. I am unsure of why they were there, but they may have been lost. We are both fine, though Mao was shot multiple times while protecting me. If it was not for both Mao and the Fae known as Dante, I shudder to think of how things might have gone.

Mao's injuries were healed by Fae magic, but he will need time to recover. He will be staying with me for the time being unless there are any objections.

Be on the lookout for the two in the picture below, and increase patrols until we find a safer location.

[locked to Miah & Tahir]
Teach me to defend myself and my child so that others are not harmed in my place.

[locked to Dante]
You have my thanks for your actions, I owe you my life for the assistance you provided my cousin and I.
(47 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, March 2nd, 2014

[locked to Natives]
I want to go to a place that was special to Yiska and IThere is something of a private nature I would like to do that will take me away from the camp for a short time. While I understand that I am required to have a guard with me is it too much to ask that whoever it is gives me enough space for me to believe I am alone?

[locked to Mao & Okomi]
Tell me what you know of the Fae called Dante, please.

[locked to Dante]
If you are not busy, would you like to accompany me somewhere, sometime soon? It is only a short walk from my lands, and it is a place of importance to me.
(28 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, February 25th, 2014

Private )

Captain Oz and Crew: Papa and Jack can read. )

Okomi )

For any and all who have lost someone dear to them, I am terribly sorry. There is no amount of comfort that anyone can bring to repair that piece of heart that has been lost.

I am here for all of you. To those who have lost your homes, you will be taken care of. Everyone will be taken care of, I just only ask that you have a little patience...and I know that is a lot to ask for at this moment.
(6 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, February 21st, 2014

[failed locked to Natives]

[failed locked to Natives]
I have an intense craving for bear meat... do we have any?
(13 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, February 3rd, 2014

It's always darkest before the dawn...

[locked to Natives]
I have been a horrible leader, terribly distracted by myself, and for that I do apologize. I promise I will make it up to all of you. I will not fail my family. Yiska would never forgive me if I did.

[locked to Tahir]
I want to learn to fight, and I want you to teach me. I need to become as fierce and feared as my sister; I have been too soft and my child needs a wild dog to raise him instead of a dove. Since Yiska is not here I must act in his stead, with your assistance of course.

Also, all women should be taught to fight. We need to be a tribe of warriors and not weaklings.

[locked to Mal-Wolf]
You owe me a husband a father to my childan explanation.
(74 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, January 9th, 2014

There is a bier in the center of town. Victims of the Tse'ka attack who have not been claimed or identified have been left there in hopes of finding someone to claim them. If they are not claimed by the weekend, they will be buried in unmarked graves. Please make sure that all of your family have been accounted for, and if any of your family or party is missing, you will be granted safe escort in and out of town for identification purposes.

Anyone who does not live in Fortunas will be escorted. There will be no more trouble. Tse'ka will be arrested on sight and imprisoned without trial to await public execution.
(40 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, January 7th, 2014

Very carefully locked to Okomi

I don't know what happened, or why your people attacked...but it's bad, Okomi, really bad.

A lot of people died and the mayor is talking about forming a militia and contracting the pirates for training.

I don't..I don't know if I can sneak out to see you...
(10 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, January 6th, 2014

[locked to Natives]

While she didn't participate in the killings themselves, Nimeda was back at the camp communing with the spirits in her own way. Since her time in the cave she had been receiving visits from both her dove and a wild dog who she knew to be watching over her at her beloved Yiska's request. As her warriors were marauding through the town, the Princess was sitting naked on the floor of her tent wearing a headdress that had once belonged to her sister, blood from small incisions she'd made on her own palms coating her cheeks as she rest her hands over her womb, breathing in deeply as she prayed.

[locked to Natives]
None of them realize this is only the beginning... our time will come. We will not allow them to look down upon us again.
(4 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, December 30th, 2013

[with absolutely no preamble, the following message appears in the papers.]

Dare I ask what I've missed?

[locked to Natives]
I have returned, and I am not pleased.

Okomi, I have need of your medical services.

Tahir, Miah, I have need of both of your minds.

Mao, Kai... I just need you.

[locked to Peter]
Your Boy owes me a husband and a father to my child.
(67 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, December 1st, 2013

[locked to Okomi]

[locked to Okomi]
How are preparations coming on that ritual, and do you feel it is what will be needed to help make the tribe stronger? With the snow on the ground we need whatever benefits we can get in order to survive the winter and remain strong.

...also, I still seem to be getting queasy, and although I haven't been eating overmuch I think I've gained weight. Yiska remarked that my chest is starting to strain against my shirts. But only in certain areas. It's disconcerting, to say the least.

((ooc: once Nimeda woke up and saw responses from people who weren't Okomi she repaired the lock, however if was unlocked for the majority of the night so if people still want to comment feel free.))
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