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Mao [29 Apr 2015|08:10am]

Any chance I can get more of that stuff?

[24 Apr 2015|04:49pm]

What flowers grow on faces?

[22 Apr 2015|09:11am]

Rain getting you down? Come down to the Dead Heretic, we have everything you need. On top of that, if you make me laugh, I'll buy you a drink.

[08 Apr 2015|09:28am]

April showers bring the May flowers!

Aolani is gone on business for a week. I had tea with Winter, but I am still lonely. Will you take a break from royal duties and spend time with me?

[23 Mar 2015|08:37am]


I want to learn to fight.


[Billy and Ezra (Separately)]

That Puke

That Pike guy

Is that Pike guy's bark worse than his bite? He barks an awful lot.

Treehouse [10 Mar 2015|03:02pm]

Things have been very quiet lately.

I'm not entirely sure that this is a good thing.

Private to Teasel [02 Mar 2015|04:55pm]

Teasel! Our Queen...well yours and mine, she told us that we could be out of water for as long as we want when we're in the fae circles!!! I can see you for however long you want now!!!

[02 Mar 2015|09:12am]

Through winter-time we call on spring,
And through the spring on summer call,
And when abounding hedges ring,
Declare that winter's best of all.

Jackson [01 Mar 2015|11:43pm]

(There are some small doodles of stars, flowers, and swirls as Lys daydreams/contemplates what to write.)

Could we dance again?

[22 Feb 2015|04:28pm]

So ugh... feel like I slept for a week. Hell I might of, that was one hell of a party Jack... least I think. Keeps feeling like I forgot something, like I left something somewhere. Woke up and didn't have my bottle with me so that might be it. Shit, and Keita did you come? Whole thing is a bit of a head scratcher By The way...

SHIT! That's it! BYTHEWAY!! Oh man, crap... dude, so sorry!

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