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Locked to Fortunas only [24 Mar 2014|04:33am]
Please make certain that your own homes and businesses are repaired before offering aid or comfort to anyone else.

That being said, profiteering and price gouging is frowned upon, and if you are caught, you will spend some time in the town jail. So I would recommend that you not get caught.

I realize certain items and some luxuries may be at a premium for the moment, but do please keep in mind, what you do unto others can and likely will be done unto you.

I will be reaching out to the Captain to inform him that our sympathy is completely with them in the face of their losses, but as we are still attempting to recover from the tidal wave, sympathy is all that we can offer at the moment.

Individuals and merchants are welcome to make whatever deals you like, but consider setting aside a share of goods strictly for the town before offering to aid outside interests.
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[24 Mar 2014|10:28am]
After recent events and in light of what may come in the future, I have decided to take on an assistant. I will gladly accept applications on those who would like to work with me and the town of Fortunas, helping rebuild her for a better and brighter future.

I am looking for someone with familiarity in architecture as well as structural maintenance. Some savvy in financing and bookkeeping would be preferred but not necessary. Above all else, passion and ambition to succeed and exceed expecations is valued.

Mister Doth
I apologize for my silence. So much has been going on and it seems I rarely have the time to breath, let alone write.

I hope you are doing well in your endeavors and that you reached your ocean.

Mister Bullet
What do you need?
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Town Barber [24 Mar 2014|02:55pm]
Oi, Barber? You have a problem serving Roma? I'm in need of a trim and a shave, and I don't want to start a fight in town when I'm supposed to be on my best behavior. If you don't serve Gypsy, how about pointing me towards someone who might?
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[24 Mar 2014|08:57pm]
Locked to Oz and Woodes
Not really caring how the rest of the crew felt about Cassandra.

What do we do?
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