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Friday, December 30th, 2011

    Time Event
    About me and the character I play: I'm Kim and I play at an amazing dark AU game set during the trio's seventh year. However, there is no trio because Harry Potter is in hiding was killed as a toddler, Hermione Granger was never admitted into Hogwarts and instead attends McGonagall's makeshift school, and Ron is very different to the one you know from the books. It's interesting, it's fun, the players are amazing, and you should consider joining. Any new players and characters are always welcome, but I have an interest in three of them in particular because I am a thread stalker extraordinaire and would love to see how these characters go in the game.

    Character wanted to fill an SL & why:
  • Percy Weasley, the rest of your family is complete (or dead) and you're the last to be filled. How have you turned out without a mother to guide you in a world where you either suck up to Voldemort or end up with a career washing dishes? I want to threadstalk Percy so badly and the Weasley players are amazing. There will be plenty for him to do!

  • Next is Bellatrix Lestrange. She never went to Azkaban so might not be as kooky, but you can be damn sure that she'd be fun to play as the new Minister of Magic, right? Right!

  • Also on my wish-list are sixth years, but specifically Zacharias Smith because Hogwarts needs more snarky, outspoken boys. The rest are introverts or oafs, so Zacharias would mix it up!
    Game to join: [info]interitio
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