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Wednesday, December 21st, 2011

    Time Event
    About me and the character I play:
    Hey everyone, I'm here on behalf of [info]thenexusmods! We have been advertising for a few days now and plan to open January the 1st, but we would love to see a few more players before opening. At first glance, it might seem to be an ordinary time displacement game, though it is not. It features different AU worlds hurled together. For example, we have gender swapped Harry and Draco, a Voldemort raised by Merope, and an Andromeda who is forced to marry Antonin Dolohov. Basically, if you have a favourite AU game or a what if scenario for a character, please have a look.

    Character wanted to fill an SL & why:

    We are in need of a few characters, but in particular we would love

    -> Blacks everyone's favourite purely twisted family (yes, step aside Malfoys and Gaunts). We would love to see some of the older members such as Walburga, Orion, Cygnus, Druella, etc as well as some of the ones we all love even Sirius and Regulus. Can you just imagine some AU story lines for them? A Regulus who could live, a Sirius who never went to Azkaban or even a Sirius who stuck with his family, perhaps?

    -> Ron and Hermione! Harry is around, but he is a girl! What will his friends think? Maybe they are different genders too?

    -> Potters! As well as female Harry, we also have James Sirius. He would love to see the rest of his family- James Sr, Lily Sr, Lily Luna, Albus Severus and Ginny.

    -> Death Eaters. Your Lord is only in his 20s and is not exactly the man you remember. Bellatrix is already around, but were is everyone else? Barty weren't you fond of her? Rodolphus she is pregnant you should be there! Rabastan I'm sure you would love to tag along. Lucius you can see your son...who is now your daughter. Perhaps some Carrow fun and then there is Antonin Dolohov who has to contend with Andromeda who swears you are her husband.

    -> Those crazy Gaunts to join Merope.

    -> Albus perhaps you succumbed to Gellert's charms? Either way can't you just imagine him as a teen? Fun right?

    -> Founders!

    Game to join:Anyway, we still have lots of others around. We would love to see you at [info]thenexusmods
    I'm applying at the brand new [info]houseofkingsmod (AU Harry Potter Royalty game), and I would very much like to fill in two storylines for this character, Andromeda Lestrange:  I am desperately seeking Ted Tonks and Rodolphus Lestrange!

    In 100 words or less: the Black family is UK royalty, Orion Black is King (and c-c-c-crazy), and when Andie here got knocked up by Ted Tonks (a commoner, gasp!), her memory was modified and she was quickly married off to Rodolphus Lestrange.  Nymphadora was born, and everyone just thinks that she's Rodolphus' kid.  (Whether or not Rodolphus knows the truth is up to his player!)  The game is set in the year 2000, so Nymphadora is well into her adulthood, which leaves Andromeda restless.  Enter Ted Tonks to shake things up.  Yes?  Yes.

    I would love to see either of these guys at the game with Andromeda!  You can read her profile here, and I'm happy to talk plot with anyone who is interested.  ♥♥♥

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