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Saturday, December 17th, 2011

    Time Event
    About me and the character I play: I'm Kim and I've been RPing for almost a decade. My character is Flora Carrow and she's a little perfectionist who comes from a family who are very much Voldemort supporters. Her aim in life is to go beyond all expectations (and also to make everyone like her). Flora was recently betrothed by Voldemort to another young DE spawn. That betrothal is soon to come to an end through no fault of Flora's and I'm rather hoping she can be assigned a new match.
    Character wanted to fill an SL & why: Young future DE who comes from a 'worthy' enough family for Voldemort to take an interest in his future. I don't actually care what the boy is like or who he is except for no blood traitors because that's a line that's already been played out in game and I think the Hogwarts kids will all just be culled if something like that happens again in the near future, I just want to play the line out in some form!
    Game to join: [info]interitio is a dark game where the Death Eaters won the war, Harry was never killed, and Voldemort rules the British wizarding world with an iron fist. It's currently 1997 and things are going well for purebloods who submit to Voldemort's will.

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