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Thursday, December 8th, 2011

    Time Event
    Confundo (via [info]confundomod) is a Marauders Era game set in MWPP's 7th year.  The game's quirk is that Dumbledore has instituted an group journal ([info]confundoanon), where students can post whatever they'd like, anonymously.  It's created quite the fun and (IC) drama so far!

    We're looking for more people to join in the fun, and some specific roles as well:

    • Troy!  Irish quidditch player of "Troy, Mullet, and Moran!" fame.  We have Saoirse Mullet and Melissa Moran in game already, but they need the third member of their trio!

    • Siblings!  Amelia Bones (sister of Eddie, via [info]eddiebo), Apollo Selwyn (brother of Cassandra, via [info]noprophet), Niall Mullet (twin brother of Saoirse, via [info]flyingfish), and Marlowe McKinnon (brother of Marlene, via [info]warmly)!  In these cases, only the character's name, age, and house have been specified.  You'd have built-in plot with instant family, and free range to create a character however you'd like to do so!

    • Kingsley Shaklebolt (to join the other future BAMFs, of course), Megan McCormack (continuing her mother's quidditch dynasty!), or Xenophilius Lovegood (crazy is fun!) perhaps?

    • In general, we really need Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, 6th year students, and quidditch players!

    Hello all, I'm Jenn and I come hailing from [info]amortentiamods, a new Trio Era game set in 1999, where Hermione makes a big mistake while working in the Department of Mysteries and everyone in the massively populated Wizarding areas (The Ministry, Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade) get put under the effects of the love potion. The mods have a lot of plots planned for the game, so things won't get boring!

    I'm on a selfish mission, because I have a few characters that I would absolutely love to see in-game, not to mention, we still need a few characters to ensure that everyone is able to fully participate on the fun *i.e. get paired off for the love potion and for the spell that will lead everyone to finding their soulmates, whether they like who it is or not* and they are *drumroll*:

    -Ron Weasley: Neither you nor Hermione know it, but you're going to be a dad. She's the one who's going to make the mistake that gets everyone into this mess (I know, Hermione makes mistakes?), which will be fun times on his part. Lav-Lav is also horrified at the thought of being near him when the potion breaks out, because she can't meet his eyes sometimes when she remembers what a horrid girlfriend she was.
    -Harry Potter: Because, he's Harry Potter. Need I say more? Plus, Ginny would love to see you around so you guys can figure your shit out.
    -Neville Longbottom: Hannah is totally in love with you and hopes that you end up being her soul-mate.
    -Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, Parvati Patil: Lavender wants her closest friends around. She's had feelings for Seamus forever, but it would be amusing to see her and Dean stuck together under the love potion.
    -Luna Lovegood: Everyone loves Luna!

    Others include: Alicia Spinnet, Angelina Johnson, all of the Weasley's, and many others! Please contact the mods or any of our players if you have any questions and we all look forward to playing with you!

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