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Tuesday, November 15th, 2011

    Time Event
    Eternal Damnation ([info]damnationmods) is a new Twilight fandom game that takes place somewhere between Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. We're not going to go the Renesmee route, and we're not what others stereotype Twilight fans to be. Our writers are incredible and we are slated to open this Friday, November 18th. We would love to get a few more of our crucial characters cast prior to then!
    Jacob Black. It's not much of a love triangle without one of the key players, and who else would be better to break off into their own wolf pack than the destined Alpha himself?

    Sam Uley. He's the present leader of the wolf pack, and will be a crucial role when it comes to driving Jake to create his own and assume his rightful spot.

    Esme, Carlisle, Emmett Cullen, Rosalie Hale. What would a Twilight game be without the Cullen family? Alice, Jasper, and Edward would love to see you!

    Volturi. The more villains, the better. Especially the power hungry kind.

    Denali Clan. As cousins of the Cullens, we would love to have them here! Carmen and Eleazar miss their family.

    James. He is playing a very important role in our plot, and it is imperative we have him in the game!

    Humans. Where it all started! Bella would love to see her friends around.

    We hope to see you soon!

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