gamesearch's Journal
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Wednesday, October 12th, 2011

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    Confundo! is a brand new Marauders' Era game, set at Hogwarts during the Marauders' seventh year.  Hogwarts continues on as it always has, but on November 1 Headmaster Dumbledore will announce an addition to the Hogwarts journal systems-- the anonymous journal.  The journal will be available to everyone in the school, where you can post anything you want, anonymously.  Now, don't get too excited-- it isn't just a method to freely insult your enemies.  Posts may be anonymous to the students, but Professors can and will be monitoring, and can break the anonymity if the need for taking points arises.  But it shouldn't come to that, of course...

    The game will open with ten characters.  Check out the Character List, and Apply today!

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