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Monday, October 10th, 2011

    Time Event
    About me and the character I play:

    Hello GameSearch, I am here in behalf of [info]cac_mods. It is a brand new game starting Thursday. It is set in 1979 where the Blacks have been the monarchy since the late 17th century. However, there power has always been limited by the Ministry who has the real legislative power. Recently, this entire system has been shaken with the Death Eaters led by Lord Voldemort rebelling against society, both the Ministry and the Monarchy, in a series of high profile assassinations resulting in the deaths of many including the previous king. The Order of the Phoenix has fought back and, while they are outnumbered, they are assisted by the fact that Albus Dumblesore is the new Ministry of Magic.

    Character wanted to fill an SL & why:

    In this atmosphere there are still a few key characters that we need

    ->Lily Evans. While the Blacks do not have the power to enact the changes they desire, society is still full of discrimination and this would have impacted Lily, both in and out of Hogwarts. We have a James in play who would love to see her. More information is here, but, simply, they are not married at the moment and are seeing each other secretly, so that James does not get disowned or lose his title (Duke of Devon). As well, as an Order member, it would be great to see her in play to fight against the Death Eaters.

    ->Bellatrix Black. For a very different character, we would love to see Bella in game. In 1975, she was disowned after it was discovered she was a Death Eater (it was declared an illegal organisation the same year) and was thrown from the family and lost her position in the nobility. It would have angered Voldemort who planned to use her position, but, have no fear, there will be plots to come that will question if she should have been disowned and if she should be restored to her previous. It is up to the player if she is married to Rodolphus, stayed single or married someone else.

    ->Peter Pettigrew. The other Marauders are being applied for or are in game. They would love to see their friend. Traitor or not, you decide.

    ->Molly and Arthur Weasley. The Weasleys lost their position in society before Arthur was even born when Cedrella married Septimus Weasley, but that is not the end of the picture as Cedrella is planning to fight the disownment for the sake of her new grandchildren.

    ->Others who are high in the line of succession such as Alice and Frank Longbottom and Barty Crouch Jr

    ->Death Eaters. Voldemort requires some faithful minions. Perhaps they have joined because they are only a commoner when they believe they should be a noble (Mulciber, Macnair, Dolohov, Yaxley perhaps) or maybe they are members of the nobility and still crave more power (Earl Rodolphus and Lord Rabastan Lestrange, Lord Amycus and Lady Alecto Carrow, Earl Nott etc).

    ->Order Members. We need the good guys too. Commoners such as Marlene, Dorcas, Emmeline or even those with higher positions in society such as Lord Edgar and Lady Amelia Bones or Lord Fabian and Lord Gideon Prewett

    Game to join:

    There are also plenty of other characters around. We would love to see you at [info]cac_mods.

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