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Saturday, October 8th, 2011

    Time Event
    Group PSL Anyone?
    I'm trying to gauge interest to see if there is anyone out there who might be interested in playing in a small, group-PSL? I'm thinking it could take place anytime after Deathly Hallows or anytime really and it would revolve around the lives of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. People like Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, George Weasley, Oliver Wood, Cormac McLaggen, and even some of the Slytherins like Adrian Pucey?

    If anyone is interested, drop me a line and we can chat about getting it all set up.
    Two Games Needing Characters
    Hi there, my name is Jennifer and I'm seeking a few players to come and join in on some awesome gamed. The first is Au Contraire over at [info]contrarymods, an AU Trio Era game where Voldemort won because of a B.A.M.F. PR campaign that led to Wizards all hating Muggles. Muggleborns are forced to live in seclusion, they can't have normal jobs, etc. The Order is fighting to change all of that and Hermione and I would love to see some of her friends, fellow D.A. members, and fellow Order members, including: Ginny Weasley, Dennis Creevey, Dean Thomas, etc.

    The second game is Pandorium via [info]pandora_mods, a traditional Post-War game set in 2003, that deals with the tensions between the classes, plus the political going-ons. It's set to open October 14 and it still needs a lot of characters. My Katie and Lavender would love to have some friends, ex-lovers, potential lovers, whatever. Some of the kids I'd love to see include: Seamus Finnigan, Parvarti Patil, Dean Thomas, Angelina Johnson, Padma Patil, Oliver Wood, Adrian Pucey, Cormac McLaggen, Alicia Spinnet, George Weasley, and MANY OTHERS!
    Players needed for a new dark HP game
    How about one with some ties to Greek mythology? Pandora's Box is a brand new RPG opening October 15th, and we need some new players and characters to help us get off the ground.

    We have a bunch of Hufflepuffs looking for Zacharias Smith, Susan Bones, and Megan Jones to join them.

    Angelina Johnson is looking for all her best friends: Alicia Spinnet, Katie Bell, George Weasley, Oliver Wood, and Lee Jordan.

    Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan would love to have the Patil twins around.

    Hermione Granger and Harry Potter are looking for Ron Weasley and Ginny Weasley. For that matter, Percy wants the rest of the Weasleys around as well.

    Daphne Greengrass needs her fellow Slytherins: Pansy Parkinson, Tracey Davis, Millicent Bulstrode, Gregory Goyle, and Draco Malfoy. Daphne also really wants her younger sister Astoria around.

    Cho Chang needs her bestie, Marietta Edgecomb.

    Adrian Pucey's looking for family members in the shape of Yaxleys.

    In general we're looking for more females, more Ravenclaws, and anyone looking for a dark game where death lurks just around the corner and fear plays on the minds of everyone. Check us out! [info]pandoramods

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