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Thursday, October 6th, 2011

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    Six Degrees is a post-war social game set in 2006.  It's a small laid-back game, and we don't have any complicated game-canon that you need to learn before joining.  We're looking for some new players to join us, especially if they're bringing along...

    Bill or Charlie Weasley -- Bill's wife Fleur is already in the game, but no doubt she'd love to have her husband around.  After that, Charlie is the only missing Weasley link!

    Parvati Patil -- Padma is already in the game, and she does miss her sister, no matter what else has happened in the past.

    Euan Abercrombie -- A Gryffindor from the class of 2002, Euan has a younger brother in the game who- well, he doesn't miss him, per se, but someone should be around to push his buttons, and Euan's the best at doing just that.

    Justin Finch-Fletchley, Ernie Macmillan, Zacharias Smith -- Wayne Hopkins is the only male Hufflepuff from the trio year around, he needs some guy friends!

    ➜ We are also looking to fill a specific SL: essentially, we're looking to complete the four-some of these boys' BFFs/hetero-lifemates:

    That's Eddie MacDougal ([info]tartaned) and Oliver Wood ([info]flyinghome) on the left, and the far right is Jeremy Stretton ([info]remystretton. The blonde in the middle, well, that's completely up to you! See, original characters are allowed at 6D (so long as they have a tie to a canon name), so whoever you think this guy should be, we'd totally be all for it! All we ask is that you keep with the matching PB, Tom Fletcher.

    Eddie is a PR manager, while Oliver and Jeremy play quidditch for the Montrose Magpies. All four of the boys live together in a huge house in Scotland, along with Oliver's three year old daughter, Bailey, and Eddie's girlfriend, Charlotte ([info]supercool). The missing boy wouldn't lack for plot at all, and come on, how can you resist these faces? )

    You can also check out our Master Character List as well as our other Wanted Plot for other ideas.  The game has been around since December 2010, and has a small group of dedicated players-- we'd love to welcome you among them!  ♥
    Are you looking for one badass game in which to play out all your dreams of schemes and machinations? Are you looking for a game where the bad guys are suave, able to con the world into loving them? Are looking for a game that's post-warts, but still full of 'Order vs Everyone' action? Are you looking for a game that's dark, but doesn't make you wonder 'how the hell did that happen'?

    Then we have your answer. [info]contraire via [info]contrarymods is a new AU game that opens this week. In this world, Voldemort returned just a few years after his 'temporary setback' instead of a few decades, and he got right to work taking over the country. Only he did it on the sly this time. He set up a dummy-group to replace the Death Eaters, took his loyal minions to create the public-friendly Knights of Walpurgis, and used fear and propganda to shape the world into what he wanted. Unfortunately, his militantly anti-muggle and anti-muggleborn programs have made the government and economy collapse, and now most people are hugging the poverty line, and that if they're even employed at all. You can hit up our timeline or calendar to find out more.

    We're taking all comers, but we'd especially love to see:

    Draco Malfoy would be welcome as a frenemy for Theodore Nott. Theo doesn't have many peers, and he needs someone to plot his plots of plottiness with, someone he can also snark at at the same time. Plus, well, it's Draco Malfoy. Who doesn't love him?

    Percy Weasley would not go amis. In this world, he's practically the perfect person to be a spy. He's got 'prospective Knight' written all over him, and if he still had a falling out with his family, it's pretty much a sure thing that he'd get the offer. Whether he goes for it and inadvertently becomes a baddie, or whether he has a change of heart, he's got lots of options in this game.

    Dennis Creevy is the resident BAMF-in-training and shaping up to be this generation's Mad-Eye Moody. He's already missing a hand and an eye because on the first day of school, he got the 'brilliant' idea to steal the magic quill from Hogwarts and deliver it to the Order, while also thumbing his nose at a 7th year of schooling. Too bad the High Inquisitor caught him doing it and tried to stop him. Still, this little guy has so many potential issues, what with being torn from his home at a young age and watching his older brother get killed. Who wouldn't want to play this little fuzzy ball of badassery?

    Oh, and I know there's people out there who want to play Nymphadora Tonks, Remus Lupin, Fred Weasley, and Cedric Diggory as they would have been if they hadn't died. Well, guess what, they're all available! Come check it out.

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