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Friday, August 5th, 2011

    Time Event
    Changed: Trio Era 7th Year AU - Exceptionally Fun and Active!


    Changed is an AU game that follows a timeline which assumes that Peter Pettigrew made quite a different choice in 1981. Rather than betraying his closest friends to Voldemort, Peter confessed his regretted Dark Mark to Albus Dumbledore and to the Order of the Phoenix. As a result, when Voldemort came to the Godric’s Hollow on Halloween, he was met with the full force of the Order’s power, which broke his own. At the time, it was thought that Voldemort had been defeated forever, but now the world knows know that this was not the case and a second war is building. In the midst of that war, a boy who never was The Boy Who Lived has a prophecy to fulfill, but that boy’s world is immensely different. How different? Come to Changed, and craft your own answer to that question.

    Open and Exceptionally Active!
    Get In On The Fun!
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