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Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011

    Time Event
    Looking for players!
    About me and the character I play: Hi! I'm Jo and I play Pansy (Parkinson) Higgs, who "works" at the Ministry on the Committee for the Preservation of Wizarding Culture and is expecting her second child.

    Character wanted to fill an SL & why: First and foremost, I'd really like to have Pansy's husband, Terence Higgs. We're low on former Slytherins and would absolutely LOVE to see some more. Millicent, Daphne, Blaise, Theo, Asteria - anyone, really. We're the loneliest of the Houses by far. We've also got an interesting plot that's going to start this month and we've just added some supposedly dead Death Eaters to the Available Characters page, and it would be great to have them in play.

    Game to join: [info]the_8th_floor via [info]ministry_mod, a politics-driven game set in 2005. It's really great and active, and even though we've been going strong for nearly 8 months now, it's very easy to get caught up and dive right in.

    If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them!
    [info]roselandia a brand new PB comm set in the third-gay-friendliest city in the country. het, slash, femmeslash and mpreg friendly. not just another town game. now taking holds and apps.

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