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Thursday, July 21st, 2011

    Time Event
    After Impact: A Post Apocalyptic RPG
    Game: [info]darkdawn
    Genre: Post Apocalyptic.

    Brief description of your game: After Impact is a brand new post apocalyptic RPG dealing with the struggle to create a new life three years after an asteroid strike wiped out civilization and most of humanity. We are currently seeking writers interested in a fun challenge and who want to get in at the beginning.

    Character types we're looking for:
    The Scientist - Someone educated in the hard sciences, especially math and physics. This will be key to a plot development a little later on in the game as the characters will need someone who can understand a technical diagram and the basic theory behind it.

    The Midwife or Obstetrician - Just because the world ended doesn't mean people stopped making babies.

    The Living Historian / Re-Enactor - this person learned how to do a craft the old fashioned way (think potters, blacksmiths, carpenters and the like) and put it to use at place like Colonial Williamsburg or similar living history site.

    Scout/Guard/Hunter - The world is a dangerous place, and the tribe needs people who can help provide food as well as defend against potential threats.

    Links to game information: Premise / FAQ / Rules / Application

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