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Monday, June 13th, 2011

    Time Event
    Consequences - A Post-DH AU Harry Potter RPG
    [info]cqmods via [info]consequences
    It was a dark day in Hogsmeade when Charity Burbage, RO and former Hogwarts Professor, was brutally attacked. Ms. Burbage, RO, was found by Madame Rosemerta in the early morning on Friday with several broken bones, multiple cuts and numerous hexes evident on her body. Ms. Burbage, RO, was transported to St. Mungo’s for a medical evaluation and is expected to live, but just barely.

    The attackers are believed to be part of an extremist group rallying against the placement of Resurrected Ones in society. A letter delivered to Amelia Bones, RO, at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement promised more attacks on ROs if they are not contained within the Ministry and have their freedoms revoked.

    Ms. Bones, RO, gave the following statement at the Ministry of Magic in response to the attack and the letter. “The Ministry of Magic has worked very hard for many years to be a Ministry that supports freedoms and civil rights for all citizens of England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland. The Ministry has not now, or will they ever, bow to threats of this nature. And I personally urge all citizens to remember that we, the Resurrected Ones, are flesh and bone like all of you. There should not be a difference between any of us.”

    "Was it really necessary to put 'RO' every time they said Professor Burbage's name?" -Fred Weasley

    "Like it's not enough they bloody stamped it on our arms. Or that we're stared at, everywhere we go. Or turned away from jobs." -Gideon Prewett

    "I hate this. I feel like going and getting 'RO' tattooed on my forehead just to prove a bloody point." -Ginny Weasley

    "I didn't apparently bloody well DIE for everyone's freedom so they could start locking people up just because they think we're different, or whatever." -Nymphadora Tonks

    Most Wanted: Andromeda Tonks, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Molly Weasley, Hannah Abbott, Ernie MacMillan, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Oliver Wood, Draco Malfoy, Michael Corner, Slytherin society girls, and more available!

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