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Saturday, May 21st, 2011

    Time Event
    Consequences - An AU Post-DH Harry Potter RPG

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    » Resurrected Ones
    » The Minferi
    Deep in the Minister of Magic, in the Department of Mysteries, a man stands in front of an archway before which he has stood nearly every day for a year. But on this day, something is finally different. On this day, he casts the spell he has been working on for months... and through the archway steps his wife, dead for over a year until her husband’s love brought her back.

    But something has gone wrong. Somewhere in the world, as his wife steps over the threshold from life to death, another random person takes the opposite turn. In the blink of an eye, this random Muggle is no longer living, but at the same time not quite dead; his life force exchanged for that of the Wizard’s wife. And there is more. No one has ever been able to control the veil in the Department of Mysteries and the magic it contains, and this time is no different. The wizard’s spell soon goes even more awry, and his wife is not the only person to step through the veil. Soon witches and wizards who have died in the past find themselves coming through the veil, all of them with no memories past their deaths and some of them with no memory even of that. There is no controlling their arrival, and there is no stopping the exchange of life that occurs every time one of them steps through the veil, alive again.

    Now the wizarding world must cope with both the arrival of those they thought long-dead, and the sudden looming threat of the Muggles turned into living dead as a result. And those who stepped through the veil- The Resurrected- must learn to live in a world which thought them dead, a world which has moved on without them, a world in which their new life has caused the taking of another.

    Love is wonderful. Love is hope and joy and freedom. Love can change the world. But even love has consequences.
    Consequences is open officially as of May 20th, 2011.

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