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Friday, April 29th, 2011

    Time Event
    I'm Stars, and I've been RPing for almost ten years. My CDJ just lists my current cast ... for now. I play over at [info]the_8th_floor via [info]ministry_mod. You can reach me on AIM at lawofthestars. Or comment here. :)

    Game to join: [info]the_8th_floor via [info]ministry_mod - set in 2005 and explores the possible ending of the Statute of Secrecy, plus Lestrange is about and causing trouble ... no-one's really safe and it's definitely not a time of peace and security ...

    On to my characters that I'd like storylines with:
    [info]dragonofmyfate - Draco Malfoy: has learned nothing. Seriously. The boy resents his parents and is estranged from them, and is now just quietly biding his time while pretending to be reformed. He also joined this secret organisation that seeks to dominate over Muggles, and he's totally on board with that. He's a lawyer in Int'l Law at the Ministry.
    [info]lotusoftheriver - Padma Patil: is an Unspeakable, and constantly in the shadow of her sister. She believes in Indian divination, and tries her best to plant a foot in each culture. She's also on an 'Enemies of Wizard-Kind' list - a list that those who are on it keep finding bad things happening to them.
    [info]godchaser - Zacharias Smith: is the same arse he's always been, though he does have a softer side come out when he gets drunk and rambles about the stars or his time he spent in Iraq. Currently he's organising a Quidditch summer camp for Hogwarts students. There's currently a ban on flying, and Quidditch is on-hold until further notice, and he's quite peeved about both.
    [info]cellabella - Rose Zeller: is a quirky shop owner in Diagon. She's Kinsey 5 and sortofmaybe dating Daphne Greengrass. She has three Muggle grandparents, and a muggleborn mother who handed in her wand and now lives as a Muggle; she's incredibly outspoken about new Ministry restrictions that disallow travelling in Muggle areas.

    Characters wanted to fill an SL & why:
    Asteria Greengrass: Draco is courting her, and she's in this secret organisation with him. She's estranged from her own parents too, and is on the outs with Pansy.
    Theodore Nott: Is Draco's closest friend and confident and works at the Ministry and uncovers shady things with him.
    Harry Potter: Where would Draco be without his biggest nemesis?
    a boyfriend: Padma is quiet and demure, but she'd love to have someone in game that she can get close to and start to date. Can be anyone, she's not as picky as her Indian parents are. Someone who doesn't mind that she's on this mysterious 'list' or is also on the list would be a plus.
    a scandalous love interest: Zacharias is secretly in the closet and I'd love for him to meet a boy and really toy with the idea of coming out in a society that he is convinced will hate him.
    Quidditch players: Right now Zacharias and one other player are the only two Quidditch players in-game. The season is on hold for financial reasons, but Zacharias would like come companions who won't rag on him for drinking.
    Members of Cadros: So the Wizarding world set a private security company, Cadros, to Iraq, and Zacharias signed up and served a year-long tour with them. He'd love for some other war vets to commiserate with. Percy Weasley is one of them - and is also wanted - but I'd love more!
    shop owners: Rose would love to have fellow shop owners about, either in Diagon or Hogsmeade.

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