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Wednesday, April 13th, 2011

    Time Event
    Hi! I am DYING to find a Harry Potter to play against my Draco Malfoy [info]dragonofmyfate over at [info]the_8th_floor via [info]ministry_mod.

    The year is 2005 and technology is finally catching up the Wizarding world. So there's a lot of restrictions on movement through Muggle areas, and a new secret organization has risen up, dedicated to ending the Statute of Secrecy. Draco heads up the anti-Muggle, wants to dominate over them, cell. Our past Harry was pro-Statute and we'd like to keep that. Harry is an Auror, and Draco works in Int'l law, with eyes on an ICW seat. Currently Harry is on-again/off-again with Ginny, though she is secretly pregnant with their child, and Draco is courting Asteria [I SWEAR that all happened organically, in-game, and we're really non-epilogue compliant].

    It's a very active - more journal than RP - game, and if Harry's not your guy, we're also looking for Weasleys, Theodore Nott [has plot with Draco, was seeing Gwen Montgomery], Ron would like Neville about, and Pansy's always looking for victims.

    If you've any questions, I can be found at lawofthestars on AIM or lawofthestars1182 on the gmail.

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