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Sunday, March 27th, 2011

    Time Event
    About me and the character I play: Hi! I'm Stars, and I play Zacharias Smith, Padma Patil and Draco Malfoy (and I'm one of the mods) at [info]the_8th_floor. We're looking for a ton of characters. The game is set in 2005 and revolves around the Ministry and the possible ending of the Statute of Secrecy.

    Characters wanted to fill SLs & why:
    Harry Potter: Ginny is secretly pregnant with their son.
    Theodore Nott: Has a bribery plot going on with the Ministry and a complicated love life involving one of the Montgomery sisters.
    Bill Weasley: Fleur is raising three kids and working at Gringotts now. Bill ought to come help her out.
    George Weasley: Lee Jordan would like his best friend around.
    Millicent Bullstrode: Pansy's circle of friends is going through some rough spots, so Pansy would like her one tried and true friend.
    Parvati Patil: Padma would like her best friend and sister around now that someone keeps leaving dead animals and threatening notes on her stoop.
    Pius Thicknesse: He's somehow ended up Head Auror and a secret group is using the guilt he feels over being Voldemort's puppet to turn him into their own puppet.

    Game to join: [info]the_8th_floor via [info]ministry_mod

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