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Monday, February 28th, 2011

    Time Event


    You've probably seen our ads before.  But, let's face it- you've seen a lot of ads before.  What makes us so special?  How are we different?

    We have an incredibly active and diverse cast of characters, and our goal with the game is to explore the connections between different them, especially the not so obvious ones.  Maybe rivalries will always exist, even long after Hogwarts is over- but without those House colors to define you, will you still so quickly judge those you meet?

    We have been around since mid-December, and have been growing ever since!  The mods are players in the game first and foremost, and we want to do all we can to encourage character development as well as new and interesting plot.  There aren't complicated game histories to catch up on, and no lengthy reading before you can even think of applying.  We're just a group of writers who simply enjoy playing, and we're looking for more people to join us!

    We offer many open storylines before you even join the game- just look at our wanted post!  Everything from original character siblings to quidditch players and team owners, from healers to Daily Prophet writers!  Do you have an idea of a character in mind, but not sure who they'd be?  Let us know- we can find a place for you at [info]sixdegreesmod!  ♥

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