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Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

    Time Event
    Hello! I'm one of the mods over at [info]sixdegreesmod (post-war game set in 2006), but I'm here looking to fill a specific line for one of my characters, Quinn Abercrombie ([info]notfitch). I'm looking for his older brother, Euan Abercrombie, a Gryffindor who started in 1995.

    Specifics for Euan are completely open- all that I know is that he and Quinn have never really been close (Quinn has jealousy issues for Euan being the favored son). I would love to have Euan around to help push Quinn's buttons- Quinn is a cocky arse most of the time, and he needs someone to knock him down a few pegs. Quinn's profile is here, if you're looking for more details about his history. Thank you! ♥

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