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Friday, January 28th, 2011

    Time Event
    Looking for Harry Potter, Eileen Prince, Minerva McGonagall, Regulus Black
    I'm Shanti and I play Severus Snape at The Collectors here at IJ. This is a time-travel fic with a twist. A powerful magical being is plucking people from the wizarding universe at random moments in time. (Mun's choice what age/time his/her character is 'snatched'). These unfortunate souls are then thrown together in a sort of Lost idea and have to figure out how to survive in their new setting.

    In Snape's case, he was 'snatched' at the moment of his death, just as Harry Potter left the Shrieking Shack at the end of known canon.

    The mods will be starting/opening the game this weekend, January 29th, so this is a great time to jump in! Please note I am not a mod of any sort - I'm just one of the players at the game. All questions should be directed toward the moderators at the game-links above.

    Looking for some Characters to build storylines with:

    Character Wanted: Harry Potter
    Wanted By: Snape. Not really, but . . . yeah. Presently the game has a plethora of Death Eaters, including a young Tom Riddle. The Saviour Who Lived to Annoy Us All must come and, well, live and save us all. Or at least annoy the living crap out of Snape.
    Possible Plots: Snape has spent nearly his entire adult existence trying to keep Potter alive. It would be interesting to have to reprise that role in this new and confusing setting. Many other characters are also there that he would probably find more rewarding to interact with.
    PB Suggestions: None of my business.

    Character Wanted: Eileen Prince
    Wanted By: Her only child
    Possible Plots: I'd love a chance for Severus to get to know his Mum without the threat of his father's drunken rages
    PB Suggestions: Anyone, honestly! But what about Anjelica Huston from some of her younger stuff, here? She has the strong features that would be a great fit.

    Character Wanted: Minerva McGonagall
    Wanted By: Severus
    Possible Plots: Severus really could use his BFF and some Order type peeps to balance out all the dang children and Death Eaters around here.
    PB Suggestions: Maggie Smith

    Character Wanted: Regulus Black
    Wanted By: Severus Snape
    Possible Plots: Now that Snape knows what he knows, it would be fun and interesting to have a potential ally against Voldie's plots, someone who really "knows" what it means to be a death eater betraying Voldemort.
    PB Suggestions: Any

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