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Monday, January 24th, 2011

    Time Event

    About me and the character I play: I'm the mod at [info]collectors_mods a new time displacement game where characters are brought from different points in time to the Collector's Domain. However, they will not just be left there and they will be subject to the Collector's tricks.

    Character wanted to fill an SL & why:

    There are still a number of characters that are wanted, especially characters who are on the 'good' side. Including

    -> Weasleys including Ginny and Ron. I have Molly Weasley II, so I would also love to see her immediate family Percy, Audrey and Lucy.
    -> Marauders all are wanted and what is a game without them.
    -> Founders again all are available which will surprise the characters who are from such a different time.
    -> Also, there are a number of spouses who are wanted, either from a time before or after they are married. These include Terry Boot, Astoria Greengrass, Rodolphus Lestrangae and Susan Bones
    -> Hermione Granger
    -> Harry Potter
    -> Lily Evans
    -> Regulus Black
    -> Albus Dumbledore
    -> Gellert Grindelwald

    Game to join: [info]collectors_mods

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