gamesearch's Journal
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Monday, December 14th, 2009

    Time Event
    Raphael, Bobby Singer, Chuck Shurley & Becky Rosen to [info]67_chevy please!! It's an au Supernatural game set in the Croatoan future. (also we could use some other unnamed demons and maybe angels too!)

    [info]wonder_land is a smutty Alice in Wonderland game, loosely based on the original story but open for interpretations from all versions (including the new syfy one and the disney). We really really want Tweedle Dum, the March Hare, and the King of Hearts!

    Hey ya'll, I'm max!

    Character[s] wanted: anything really. I'm really trying to find an original sort of rp that lets you create original characters, or if you do have to use an existing character, there's bit of freedom. I'm really sick of seeing all these fan rpgs of the same thing over and over.
    What I want in a game: love! lol, no, not THAT kind. I havn't rped in such along time and I really would like to get back into it. It's got to be flexible, and not too fast paced, because I live GMT+10 and I'm on at wierd times to others. I don't want it too slow either. At least a post ((or more!)) a day would be grand!
    What I don't want in a game: umm, everyone pairing off and having sex every scene. I don't mind a bit of it, but i'd like the game to have some substance.
    Where do you prefer? IJ/LJ/GJ/SCRIBBLD/OTHER: um, I don't really mind! IJ or LJ mostly I guess, because I'm not familiar with the others.


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