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Sunday, November 29th, 2009

    Time Event

    This girl needs her hs bff from NYC who is the guy she lost her virginity to just after senior year. She dated a controlling asshole after that. Otherwise their relationship/friendship/whatnot is totally open for discussion, as is his pb because I'm very much not picky :) He could possibly come visit & crash on her couch or decide to move to LA & crash on her couch (or in her bed!).

    I'm also open for other lines if anyone has any ideas!
    needz moar!
    smutty Alice in Wonderland group psl anyone? we have Alice, Hatter, Caterpillar & Cheshire at the moment. anyone else want in?
    Rodolphus at Wished is coming at you with a peculiar request. Following the recent takeover of the Ministry of Magic by Voldemort and his Death Eaters, Rodolphus has been tasked with finding people to join the Snatchers. The problem? We don't have nearly enough dark-minded adults around! There are many possibilities - any former students, of course. Any name only canon names that you want to flesh out as an OC Snatcher too would probably work! We just need some dark to counteract all the damn Order members we have around!

    Some definite possibilities I'd love to see? Fenrir Greyback, Scabior, Thorfinn Rowle, Miles Bletchley, Rufus Fudge, Bole, Derrick, Marcus Flint, C. Warrington - maybe even Cormac McLaggen!
    Supernatural group psl!
    [info]67_chevy / [info]67_ooc
    Raphael, Michael, Chuck, Becky, & Zachariah please!
    I'm in the mood to play Narcissa Black/Malfoy somewhere. Any sugesstions?

    I'm 19, have been roleplaying seriously for over a year now, prefer threading to AIM, don't mind the journal or era
    alice in wonderland
    [info]wonder_land smutty group psl. opening soon as we get a couple more characters. must be comfortable with dark & kinky themes.

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