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Saturday, November 21st, 2009

    Time Event
    I have James Potter and Rita Skeeter over at The Other Side. Think of this game as your wet dream crack characters in a game with substantial plot. I promise it's worth your time. Promise.

    Rita currently needs:

    (♂) "Bozo" Bosso. He ends up being Rita's cameraman for the Daily Prophet, but in school Rita, Gilderoy and Bosso would hang out. He's "Bozo" in canon, but in game canon that's just Rita mispronouncing his last name and then sticking with it because she's stubborn like that. Oh, and Gilderoy also demands you come over. Don't say no to him. He has gorgeous hair.

    Horace Slughorn because she adores him. She needs a teacher who likes her just a little bit and since Rita has future success written all over her, it wouldn't be surprising that Slughorn wants to collect her.

    Hesper Keddle. He's an original character that's been mentioned in the game. He runs the local newspaper and let's face it, Rita wants to score a job there. It would be great if he could mentor her on the wonderful methods of destroying people via articles.

    James currently needs:

    Peter Pettigrew because they all need the mousy little Marauder to tease. Come join your Brethren, Peter! They need you. Plus, James and Lily don't know you betrayed them in the future yet, so you don't have to worry about them hating you.

    Molly and Arthur Weasley. Why? Because Harry married Ginny and well, he wants to have a talk with the Weasleys about it. Maybe grow closer over some pints and have long talks with Arthur about how scary redheaded women are when they're mad. Their heads aflame. It's terrifying and he needs someone to bond with over this other than his son.

    Plot-wise we need:

    -Dopple!Draco Malfoy and Dopple!Lucius Malfoy. (Dopple!Narcissa is in pending game!)
    -Dopple!Rodolphus Lestrange. Bella needs her hubby. Oh, and our Dopple!Neville is going to need his adoptive father, after all.
    -Dopple!Sirius, Peter and Remus. The Dopple!Potters want you around. And, really, who wouldn't? Maybe in the New World, Peter is redeemable? Up to you!
    -Dopple!Fenrir Greyback. Head of the "Guard Dogs".
    -WEASLEYS. C'mon! You guys spread like rabbits, how is there only one of you over here? Ginny wants her family! Not to mention Harry needs Ron.

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