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Saturday, October 31st, 2009

    Time Event
    Players wanted at two original HP games!!
    Looking to play in HP fandom, but don't want to worry about playing canon characters? Love the world, but sick of the trio, the Marauders, or next-gen? Want to play at a different magic school? Then check out Salem Academy or Durmstrang Uber Alles on Inksome! [Codes given to accepted players] We could use a bunch of fresh blood at both games, especially now that plot's about to kick off in a major way.

    Salem Academy is an American Harry Potter game, and here's what we need most: GIRLS. Wardwells and Proctors like crazy. Jocks, cheerleaders, artistic and creative types, best friends, roommates, family members, and most importantly character with family members who work for the Bureau of Magic. Or even the US government in some way. Check our wanted page for more details!

    Durmstrang Uber Alles is a game set at Durmstrang, obviously, and what we need there are again: GIRLS, 7th and 8th year Dark paths, 6th years, Quidditch players, character from any hierarchy, characters who break the mold, gossipy witches, tricksters, and people good at spreading the word. Relatives of existing characters, people particularly good at sniffing out secrets, and anyone who has family members who may not have done so well at Durmstrang or are secretly of mixed blood. Check our wanted page for more details!

    Now's the time to get creative. We're like Uncle Sam and WE WANT YOU! Salem's been running since April this year, and Uber Alles since last year August. Looking for a game that's sticking around? Then join us!

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