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Saturday, October 17th, 2009

    Time Event
    Hi there. I'm Bette, playing at Wished and since I've been so successful here before, I thought I would post here for some roles that we're looking for.

    Ministry Members, Death Eaters & Sympathizers, males in general and especially Ravenclaw males as most of ours have seemed to disappear. We would also love more Muggleborn students. There is some definite plot planned for Muggleborn students (and adults) and also for Death Eaters and Ministry personnel.

    Specific characters are being looked for as well. On the student side, we have:
    Neville Longbottom: To help lead the DA with Ginny Weasley, and generally because everyone loves Neville.
    Zacharias Smith: Captain of the Quidditch Team, and everyone's least favorite DA member. We need you back!
    Parvati Patil: Because her sister and best friend need their ringleader!
    Colin Creevey: One of the last DA members missing, we definitely will need you around. Pretty soon, Harry's going to need all the support he can get.

    As for the adults? We are looking for:
    Amycus Carrow: There is a lot of interaction possible with the other DEs, and of course some big battles coming. But most importantly, your sister needs you!
    Lee Jordan: Because we have some great plans for Potterwatch and we need a Lee to do them!
    Cho Chang: Just inducted as a new Order member, we'd like you around to take part in the fight against Voldemort.

    There are many students being looked for specifically, so please have a look at our Available Characters list and see if there's anyone you would like to consider. We have many name only students, and we do love helping people integrate characters, so if you have a character idea that you want to try out, or a character from a past game that you would like to try again, we have an active cast of both 7th years and 6th years, and they are all looking for their missing classmates. The only thing it might require is a personality transfer to a different blank slate character name. If you'd like to step into some roles that you know will have automatic things to play, you can check out our Requested Storylines as well.

    Wished is a Trio Era AU, diverging from canon halfway through HBP and set in 7th year. We're a well organized game with a cast base that is friendly and welcoming. We have only been open for two months, but we already have quite a large cast of characters and you can see from our public game recaps how active we are. This is not a game that will die in a month. Take a look if it seems interesting to you, and if you have any questions please ask!
    Hermione at Wished would love a Viktor Krum to show up in the game, the sooner the better! There has to be someone out there interested in playing Viktor! A few more details about this request can be found here, so if you've ever had (or might be interested in having) a Viktor!muse, please check it out.
    looking for some psls
    Check the Journal!
    I prefer to play females, but I'll play guys if the plot is really good. I'm picky about the guys I play. I wouldn't mind a 3way psl or a small group. I do everything from fluff to angst to smut and everything in between. I prefer 3rd person threading, but am open to other ways.

    What I'm in the mood for right now:
    **HARRY POTTER: Bellatrix against one or more of the following - Rodolphus, Rabastan, Voldemort, Barty Jr or Lucius. Ginny against Harry, Tom Riddle or Draco. Hermione against Ron or Viktor. (I would probably prefer a dark line for this fandom.)
    **HEROES: Daphne/Matt, Elle/Sylar or Peter, Eden/anyone, Niki/Peter, Charlie/Hiro or Caitlin/Peter. Obviously they'd all be AU lines.
    *LOST: Claire, Penny, Juliet, Charlotte.
    ***SUPERNATURAL: Any of the girls against Sam or Dean (possibly Castiel).
    *TRUE BLOOD: Amy, Jessica, the Queen, Sookie. Preferably against Eric for any of them, but I'm open to other plots

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