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Friday, September 4th, 2009

    Time Event
    A Little Something for Everyone
    Hello there, I'm Jennifer and I have a few games looking for characters.

    Darkness Rising is an extremely active Marauders Era game which takes place during the height of the war in 1978. We have an amazing cast of players and an equally awesome cast of characters and we would love to have some new players around. Everyone is friendly and I'm proud to say we have yet to have any OOC drama (and we plan to keep it that way). I play Bellatrix, Alice, Remus, Emmeline Vance, Sookie Montgomery (Luna's mum), and Marlene McKinnon and I would love to have the following storylines for myself:

    Wanted Characters Cut for Length )

    [info]quaffle_rpg via [info]quaffle_mods is a soap opera style game based on the BBC show The Footballer's Wives I would like to see:
    -Neville Longbottom for Hannah.
    -Any sort of love interest for Katie (the more the better, as it adds to the drama of the story).

    Quadrivium, is an interim game taking place during 1990 at Hogwarts dealing in character development and setting the foundation for the plot of the books. What we really need are more students, including a love interest for one of my OC's and younger students for our Cedric and Penelope. We're introducing new plots for the school and they won't work unless we get a few more students to be involved in them. Some of the plots we have in mind involve Quidditch, gossip, and magical catastrophes.

    Recuperatio, is a Post-DH game taking place in 2005, revolving around a third war in the Wizarding World, werewolves, serial killers, etc. I play Hermione, Katie, Hannah, Dean, Athena McGonagall (an OC), Tracey Davis, and Molly Weasley. Characters that we'd like to see are:

    -Daphne Greengrass: Tracey and Pansy want their best friend around, especially since the Death Eaters are coming together once more and Pansy is having Marcus Flint's love child. We have an Astoria who would also love to see her sister.
    -Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange because you can't leave taking over the Ministry to the young ones, can you? *Also, Tracey would love to manipulate one of them into following her orders*
    -Weasley's: We have Ron, Arthur, Charlie, and Ginny in-game and we would love to have the entire crew, George, Percy, Bill, and Fleur. Also, Katie Bell and Dean Thomas would love to see George around because who doesn't love him?
    -Ernie McMillan for our Hannah, who wants her best friend around.
    -Seamus Finnigan and Lee Jordan for our Dean.
    -Oliver Wood, Angelina Johnson, and Alicia Spinnet for our Katie and Roger Davies.
    -Lucius Malfoy (Narcissa and Draco would especially like to see him around).
    -Death Eaters, along with any other baddies. We can't round up all the old Death Eaters if they aren't around, after all.

    And finally, I have two PSL's that I would like lines for. The first is an AU MWPP/Trio Era PSL that revolves around Marlene McKinnon not dying. I play Rupert Snape, the son of Marlene McKinnon and Severus Snape and while I love the family dynamics that my partner and I play around with, I'd like to see a girlfriend for him, perhaps even miss Ginny Weasley, or someone else. I'd also like a Sam Merlotte for another PSL for my Amelia Broadway (or anyone, really). Same goes for Lafayette.

    If anyone's interested and has and questions, feel free to send me an e-mail at or IM me at elphabathropp21 (Y!M) or athenaweasley (AIM).

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