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Thursday, August 27th, 2009

    Time Event

    Character[s] wanted: Yes! I do want a character (or possibly even characters). I'll figure out who would fit and be interesting based on the game.

    What I want in a game: I'm looking for a small to medium sized game. If it's journal-based, I'd prefer something with an average anywhere from one to maybe three or four entries a day. If it's thread-based, I'm not sure because I have less experience with that, but I don't want dying/impossible to find roleplay. But I do like being able to keep up with the characters in the game. I want to get to know (and love -- or maybe even love to hate, as appropriate) all the characters in the game.

    I like journal-based games, but I'll take a look at thread-based games, especially if there's an active plot and things happening in the threads.

    Oh, and I'm looking for something that has plot that isn't all or mostly shipping/sex/romance plots (though I have nothing against shipping, I just like to explore more aspects of my characters). I also prefer generally realistic to complete crack.

    If the game has long term potential, that would be lovely. I don't mind jumping in to the middle, and I'd love to be able to stick with the game for a long time.

    Everything else, I'm hopefully pretty flexible on.

    What I don't want in a game: More than about fifty characters. Or completely inactive. Or all shipping.

    Where do you prefer? IJ/LJ/GJ/SCRIBBLD/OTHER: Anywhere is probably fine, but I don't know much about anything but IJ and LJ (and you'd have a hard time having a game on GJ any more, I'm afraid).
    Hey there! I'm Ruxandra and I play Draco Malfoy over at [info]busillis.

    I'd love to see the following characters hop on in for him!:
    Severus Snape- I'm also pointing out that he's wanted for an SL with the Lily Evans-Potter player as well!
    Dopple Vincent Crabbe- To produce some fun odd occurances.
    Gregory Goyle- Because, he does need his henchmen. Let's face facts.
    Lucius Malfoy, Dopple Narcissa and Lucius- Family is always good. :)

    EDIT: Also: Pansy Parkinson, Millicent Bulstrode and Blaise Zabini just because he needs a crew.

    And many more! Would love to see some more players hop on over to the game, in general since it's just started.

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